Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Wedding!

In true mommy fashion, our weekend was jam-packed full. BUT, this time it really wasn't her fault. Tripp and I are in a wedding in Waco this weekend and had to go to the rehearsal last Waco. No problem except for the fact that my first dance recital was the next morning so we drove to Waco, did the rehearsal, skipped the rehearsal dinner and headed back to Austin. The next morning, we went to my recital, raced over to Ms. Leti's so she could transform me from a ballerina/tap star into a flower girl and then raced back to Waco in time for wedding pictures and THE WEDDING! I've been sooooo excited to be in this wedding and am taking my role VERY seriously. Mr. Chris and Ms. Chelsey have been friends of my Grammy and Gramps forever and mommy knew them when they were little tiny. So, this was a huge honor for them to ask us to be a part of their special day. Except for the part when I was on stage wiggling around because I was bored and Bubba was making faces at me from the groom's side, I'd say it was an overall success.

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