Friday, January 13, 2012

Levi is 8 months old!

Levi is growing like a weed although he's still a little peanut. He weighs in at 16 lbs - 25th percent - and 28 inches long - 75th percent. He thinks he's big and is sitting like a champ although he hasn't figured out the crawling position yet. We know that is soon to come. Mommy is in NO hurry because it's so much easier when he just sits and stays in one place. When he starts moving, he'll be a handful. Levi's personality is so fun and he's become much more vocal. He likes to 'yell' at us for whatever reason - happy, frustrated, bored, tired, etc. He doesn't scream like I did but maybe that's right around the corner too. He loves food - especially fruits. He does not like Oatmeal or Rice cereal and literally throws himself backwards and into a fit when mommy tries to sneak it in. When she tries to sneak in a new vegetable or chicken, he gags and is really dramatic about the whole thing. I tell 'Leebie' to eat his dinner so he'll get big and strong but who am I to say anything? I won't even eat chicken or meat or eggs or really anything that is good for me. I do think I could survive happily on cheese and yogurt alone. But I digress - we're talking about Leebie now. He's getting better around me although he thinks Bubba is pretty neat. I think he'll warm up to me a bit more once I stop talking in crazy languages and am not constantly SO LOUD around him. I'm loud - really loud - and I admit it. I sure love my baby brother and have so much fun watching him grow bigger and bigger each day. Baby Leebie - you can count on me to be by your side every step of the way and I'll love you and love you and love you more!

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