Thursday, October 14, 2010

Letter to Tate

Baby Girl,
We made it! There were times when I wondered if this day would come but it has and we're not too bad off. It's hard to believe how 2 years has flown by and how many amazing memories we've created with you. Each of us would have a void without you in our lives - you add more laughs (and tears) than I could have ever imagined.

You've definitely experienced a vocabulary explosion in the last few weeks. You talk all of the time - even when you climb in our bed (way too early I might add) and just talk to yourself . Cute for sure but I'd appreciate it if you could wait until at least the sun is peaking up.....even just a little bit. Singing is a favorite too and you love singing "ABCs" and "Jesus Loves Me". Most recently, you've been singing the "Now it's time, to light the chapel candle" song from school and "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord". What sweetness that is! In fact, whenever you have school and we walk up the stairs to your class, you see the big stain glass picture of Jesus and say "Good morning, Jesus" and then sing "Jesus loves me" all the way to your classroom. I often hear, 'Bubba be nice' or 'no like that' or 'me too me too'. The latest thing is when I ask if we need to change your diaper and you tell me 'No. Miss Marcie change me'. Glad to know your teacher changes you but baby, you only have school 2 mornings a week. There is a lot of time in between those 2 days and a lot of changings that need to happen. Potty training is going - well, it's going. You get it and 'Elmo's Potty Time' is your favorite. I think we've had it from Netflix for the past 3 months and we may need to hold on to it for the next few months to come. It seems to work - when convenient for you. It'll happen - just on your terms and not mine - which makes me a little crazy. Mommy is trying to let go of the control!

You love your friends at school and have recently named your baby doll, "Baby Alice" after your friend in class. You also have one named "Baby Lola" after Miller's Great Dane, Lola. Whenever we take Bubba to school and it's not your school day, it's always a bit of a melt down and you tell me, 'my school too'. You get over it quickly though because you either get to play with Miss Connie or we have fun playdates with Miller.

You're fearless. You climb, you jump, you do things that most little girls (or little boys) shouldn't/wouldn't do, for that matter. You have more cuts and scrapes and bruises than Tripp has had in his 4 1/2 years combined and when you fall, it doesn't phase you one bit. Even after pretty big tumbles, you just get up and brush off your hands and away you go. Your little feet don't quite keep up with the rest of you yet but that doesn't slow you down. I just hope CPS doesn't start calling me - at least I have plenty of witnesses to testify to how ungraceful you really are.

Eating is still a struggle. Not like most, I'm sure, but it's frustrating for me since my experience was a little goat named Tripp who ate anything and everything. Still no eggs - unless I make an omelet with lots of ham and cheese (and even then it's questionable) - and no chicken. You won't even eat chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A or ones unnaturally made into fun shapes like dinosaurs or Mickey Mouse. If I hide meat in a casserole, that sometimes does the trick but even then, you're on to me most meals. You love noodles, cheese, bread and fruits. Basically you live on carbs. Spinach and peas are a no go along with a number of other vegetables. I always get the look and the head shake followed by 'No like it'. It might be time to pull out the 'Sneaky Chef' book I never had to use on your brother.

Sleeping is another issue that I didn't have to deal with before. You just don't want to sleep and you're a lot like daddy in this situation. Daddy can function on little sleep and is very much a nightowl. Like daddy like daughter, I suppose. Naptime and Bedtime results in no less than 10 trips down the stairs or around the house. I've threatened, pleaded, bribed and tried to ignore. Nothings seems to work. Often times I find you asleep in the hall in front of our bedroom door on the hardwood floors. Miss Kristin said marshmallows always worked for her girls. Ok - let's try it.

"Tate - if you stay in your bed, you can have 3 little marshmallows in the morning. Ok?"
"Ok, mommy".
Next morning. "Tate, you don't get marshmallows because you kept getting out of your bed but Bubba didn't get out of bed so he gets your marshmallows".
"Ok" as she watches Bubba eat her marshmallows and could care less.
Hmmmm. Plan B, C, D, E and F.........

Tatie, you're a sweet little soul and you love your mommy, daddy and brother. We can't get enough of you and even though you consistently provide challenges, you always make us laugh and warm our hearts. I love hearing your little voice and love when you say 'mama'. I know you'll grow faster than we can imagine but in the meantime, I'm going to cherish my little 2 year old and thank God for my precious daughter.

I love you, my big girl.

1 comment:

lnilles said...

Can't believe she is 2 already! And so adorable. Funny thing is, she eats & sleeps like my oldest son Luke. That's why I wasn't sure if I could handle another child. Luckily, Ty is better in eating & sleeping...but I wouldn't mind if the sun would come up first as well. LOL Congrats on raising a beautiful family! Miss our girls nights out :(