Monday, February 24, 2014

Dressed for success

Levi loves to dress up and today he looked perfectly dashing in his pirate shirt, Lexi's baby snow cap and mommy's fancy work shoes.  Nice work, little man!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Toys? Who needs toys?

Who needs toys when you have 1) a baby sister and 2) a princess box.  Tons of fun to be had......for someone at least.  Lexi Jane is a good sport!

That HAIR!

Lexi needs to be a hair model.  She has the craziest hair ever and it's always sticking straight up! 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Levi the patient

Poor Levi is really sick.   I've been helping mommy take care of him and I'm sure he'll be good as new in no time.  Mommy said I'm a super sweet sister because I love my brother so much and never left his side. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Class Valentines

At the preschool, mommy's friends are way too creative and so this year instead of buying Valentine's cards for the classroom friends, we decided to make our own.  We first had to start with the Valentine's Day Box and on to making the Valentines.  We almost didn't have enough candy for Levi's because he kept eating the candy as fast as they were making the cards.  I sure hope our friends love them.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 10, 2014

7 months

Wow!  Lexi is already 7 months old and fun, fun, fun.  What's new this month?  Well, one little tooth broke through and she's holding her own bottle!  She scoots around and loves to roll all over the floor.  She is trying to sit on her own but hasn't mastered that yet - and maybe, just maybe it's because she's our pudgy pudge!   We love you, baby girl.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

All in a day's work

This is a typical sight with mommy.  Here we're at a restaurant and waiting on dinner, while she's feeding the baby and while she's negotiating a deal on the phone.  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I hate food

That would be from Lexi.  Unlike the rest of us when we started eating 'real food', Lexi hates it and throws a complete fit.  Usually she's calm and laid back but when the spoon comes out!  She throws her back out and spits everything as far as it can fly.  A little dramatic, if you ask me.

- Signed, the original drama queen